On the edge between painting and drawing, the series “Desenho Cego” (Blind Painting) goes through the various stages of this drawing teaching technique.
The line (a foundation of the drawing) and the color (the base of the painting) question and problematize its limits. The line develops or interferes over strong color fields. Emphasis on fluorescent and complementary colors. For now, the forms covered are representations of glasses, cups and portraits. In the future, Onesimo aims tostreamline the series with representations of the human body and environments (such as rooms).
No limite entre a pintura e o desenho a série “Desenho Cego” passa pelas várias fases desta técnica de ensino de desenho.
A linha, fundamento do desenho, e a cor, base da pintura, questionam e problematizam os seus limites. A linha se desenvolve ou interfere sobre campos de cores fortes. Ênfase nas cores fluorescentes e complementares. Por enquanto, as formas abordadas são representações de copos, taças e retratos. No futuro, Onesimo quer dinamizar a série com representações do corpo humano e ambientes (como salas).